Tuesday, July 14, 2015

O, Say Can You See....?

Celebrating July 4th in another country can be very sentimental. Thankfully, we were involved in a luncheon with our dear missionaries in Battambang on July 4th.  The Zone Leaders prepared a program including the posting of the flag and a thought about D&C 101:80 and the restoration of the gospel in America.  We had some much appreciated patriotic decorations that daughter Rachel thoughtfully sent over.  And, of course, we had lots of food (a veritable patriotic feast prepared lovingly by Sister S. - Elder S.).

We love these missionaries. Elder Slavens sang the "Star Spangled Banner" with his homemade "flag."

Americans in Phnom Penh were invited to the American Embassy for a huge celebration. We enjoyed our little taste of America in Battambang.

So the pies did not turn out perfectly (yes they did along with everything else - Elder S.), but no one complained. The favorite was mock apple pie made with Ritz crackers.  We'll make that one again.

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