Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Changing of the Guard

We had a wonderful visit to Phnom Penh earlier this month in order to say good-bye to President and Sister Moon and welcome President and Sister Christensen. All the senior missionaries in Cambodia plus the Moons converged on the Phnom Penh airport late Tuesday evening to meet the jet-lagged Christensens.

The Moons and Christensens spent the next day working on the leadership transition.  We then enjoyed a farewell/welcome dinner at a German restaurant with all the senior couples. It was a wonderful event as everyone shared a memory of the Moons.  We didn't get to work with the Moons very long, but they made a lasting impression on us and helped us understand what our work here is.

Afterwards, we went to the airport to see the Moons off. We are so delighted that we got to witness such an outpouring of love from about 50 Khmer members that came to the airport to say goodby to the Moons.  There were returned Khmer missionaries that had served under the Moons as well as families and Church leaders. It was a moving experience to hear them sing "God Be with You 'Til We Meet Again" in English. Again, the Moons were a great example to us all. Even though we had not met most of the people, it was fun to find that we had connections of one kind or another with many of them.  For example we met and visited with the woman that started the orphanage featured in the documentary "Guarding the Bamboo Forest".

The crowd was so delightful. The Moons were well loved.

We will miss the Moons! But we also look forward to working with the Christensens.
[Many of these pictures were cribbed from the Ovesons - thanks so much.]

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