Monday, June 8, 2015

We love working with the young missionaries!

We spend a good portion of our time going out to meet with members and investigators with the young missionaries. (They are not young in spirit, they are so dedicated and mature! It is our honor to serve with them.  They do amazing things.) Each of these visits is precious. These pictures are from a Sunday we spent in Persat. There are only 10 members there right now. Those Elders are amazing!

This is were they meet for Church. It is the living room of the Elders.

 This is the 10th member. His name is "Lucky" (in Khmer.)  He was baptized after Church. It was a lovely event. He has lots of family support.  Then we went out visiting families.

This family was so gracious, they fed us wonderful omelets that you eat chunks of with green leaves in your fingers. We sat under the house on the left in picture 2.  I want to learn how to fix these for our family when we get home. It is so delicious. They also served us homemade soy milk.  You can see the new house they are building on the right side on the bottom picture. It is a great family and as is usual they had several visitors and guests hanging around, so we never know exactly who is part of the family.  They kind of all are.

More visits. The missionaries bless the lives of all the people they visit. As we sat visiting this older man, one of the missionaries was fixing a little plank he has over a ditch.

                                                  These are various sisters in Battambang.

  We had the sisters missionaries that are serving in Battambang over one Sunday after Church.

                                              Then, we had the Elders in Battambang over.
I am including lots of pictures of missionaries because some of the Moms are following the blog now. Thanks, wonderful Moms!! We love your daughters and sons

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