Monday, June 8, 2015

The jack fruit deserves its own post.

You can buy a jack fruit in many stands around town.  They cut it up so you don't have to buy a whole fruit. They are big.

 This is how they grow on a tree.  They are often bigger than a football (even an undeflated one.)

So this is the little piece I purchased after its bleach bath.

You take one of the "blossom" pods out and then....

pop out the seed. The blossom is nice and sweet, but no distinguishable flavor.  Just sweet.

This is what is left. The rind and sticky stuff on your hands. It has to be scrubbed off.

And these seeds. I cannot throw them away. I guess I cannot bring them back to the States with me, right?  Probably illegal. They are so smooth, like a wood bead.

We saw a video online about eating a jack fruit, if you are interested.  We are always looking for more adventures.  And then we will share.

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