Friday, May 22, 2015

Visiting with the missionaries--the best!

We have been sharing about getting settled and finding things we need to survive.  We are doing fine on that front. The best part of being here is going out with the young missionaries.  They do the talking and teaching and we nod and smile and may offer a few remarks which are dutifully translated.  Dave said simple prayers in Khmer on a couple of visits.  This picture was from our very first visit. Sisters Young and Kong are surrounding this group with three young women one of whom is not a member. The missionaries are so diligent.

We also had Family Home Evening with a large extended family and other missionaries.  They fed us a wonderful soup they made as we all sat around on the floor.  This young girl was so helpful, cooking on one of the single burner stoves for our part of the room and showing us how the Khmer do it.

It was a delightful evening.

My motto is: Every day I fall in love! Every day is an adventure and we fall in love with these wonderful people.

Elders Slaven and Eliason took us out in the country to teach a young man who is on a mango farm. This was our teaching setting.  The investigator's living room was a tarp spread out under a bamboo tree.  Fortunately, he had a small table for the old people to sit on.

It was like heaven!

We also loved these visits with Sisters Fields and Allen. The older member in the second picture lives in a very small home that is about 8 feet by 8 feet.  At age 82, she has pretty severe health problems but her faith is exemplary.

This is a wonderful family that will be baptized soon. They have a wonderful Spirit in their home.

This baptism happened last week--a wonderful young couple with Sisters Choek and Lindley who taught them.

We also are involved in the English class at Church and I am teaching piano and music conducting.

This is what our paths looked like as we made visits the other day - and it is not rainy season yet!

Then Dave is so nice.

We have the cleanest shoes in town!  Thanks!  We love what we are doing here.

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