Friday, May 22, 2015

Food shopping in Battambang

We love Battambang. It is easy to get around and figure out where things are. This is our local market.  I captured a couple of highlights, the rice and the meat. These women are very friendly and helpful.  They sit on the tables or hammocks next to the tables with their feet on the table. It has been interesting. I learned from the sister missionaries who buy their food here every week.

One morning there was a wedding in the neighborhood. These are very elaborate. See the tent in picture 3.  These men are preparing the luncheon. I liked the way they were cleaning the chickens. They thought it was funny that I wanted to take a picture of them.

  I love the variety of fruits and vegetables.  I bathe everything in a bleach solution before it goes in the fridge.

This is a rambutan fruit.  Kind of like lychee.

 Dragon fruit

It is mango season so there are wonderfully juicy, sweet mangoes everywhere.

 Also, we love, love the fruit shakes. The "cherry" on top is a lychee fruit. This shake is mango coconut.

 My market vegetables.

Fish cooked in banana leaves served by someone we visited. Delicious.

Fish amok is a famous dish cooked in banana leaves.  And beef lok lak with a fried egg.  Both are restaurant treats.
Don't mind the steamed vegetables in front. That was my choice.  Very nice with brown rice. We also treat ourselves to the American food sometimes.  I love to go local, but sometimes a taste of home is just right.  Note that this "precious" food is behind glass doors.  It really is a treat.

We love trying new things to eat and are enjoying the wonderful options here in Battambang.

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